“MicroDon” Operation
Dear friends,
On the 10th and 11th of October, our association will participate in the ” MicroDon ” Operation. The idea is to offer 2 euros donation cards near supermarkets.
We will be near a Franprix situated at 259 rue Lecourbe, 75015 PARIS (station : Convention)
The cards have a bar code that you can use at the cash desk like any other item to make a donation to our association and our project « Les enfants pour la paix » . We would like to give support to children who have suffered because of the war in Ukraine.
So do your shopping, as usual, and help other people !
If you want to become a volunteer during these dates, you can give us a helping hand, we will be very grateful.
And if you are not available on these dates , you can simply talk about us to your neighbours, friends and family and create the buzz. MicroDon ATI